It's The Little Things

I am now eighty-one maps in and Dalhurst Pass will be finished within the next couple of hours! Things are getting very interesting in the pass now, but I'm not going to say or show more about it than that, because I would be giving too much away. 

Once I'm done with Dalhurst Pass, I have seven more areas to map for Omnia's introduction, so I like to think I'm making pretty damn good progress there. Naturally, things will start slowing down a little once I start hitting the larger areas, but there are only two of those remaining to be mapped for the introduction-- everything else is in the medium - small(ish) range. 

Talking about mapping, I think it's the little things that can matter quite a bit. Like the lanterns that glow in the above screenshots, or the rocks and skeletons in the water. I'm very much a sucker for detail, even in something that's relatively simple. And believe it or not, but Dalhurst Pass is one of my simpler maps! 

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